domenica 2 dicembre 2012

Maputo (2)

Foto di Maputo
Questa foto di Maputo è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Some call Maputo the new Afro Cape Town, others have dubbed it Little Havana because of its retro charm and tropical attitude.

Foto di Maputo
Questa foto di Maputo è offerta da TripAdvisor.

The streets are still named after revolutionaries; the city's many art deco and Marxist buildings are faded but glorious, and there has been an explosion of galleries, bars, bistros, reastaurant, clubs, coffee shops and street culture.

Foto di Maputo
Questa foto di Maputo è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Maputo has always been a port city, a trading post, a gateway.
By sheer geography it has an inherent sense of possibility and that has always been the city's spirit.

Foto di Maputo
Questa foto di Maputo è offerta da TripAdvisor.

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